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- Tél. : +33 (0)2 97 45 07 57
- Adress : BIONATURE – P.A. de l’estuaire – 56190 ARZAL – FRANCE
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Partner Web – Communication Agency in Guérande – FRANCE
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In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of 6th January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data.If you wish to exercise this right, contact the management of BIONATURE – The people concerned have been informed of their rights.
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- clear and legible quote from the source in the following form for example: “This document comes from BIONATURE – P.A. de l’estuaire – 56190 ARZAL – FRANCE, reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.”
- The address of the website https://www.bionaturesanteanimale.fr must imperatively appear in the reference.
- For other uses, please contact the management of BIONATURE
- Mode of operation: For any remark on the functioning of the site, write to or send a message to the webmaster.